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18 County Road 55A
United States


Museum of Encaustic Art


Adult and child classes in creating Encaustic art.

EDUCATION:  Discovering the ART of WAX

Our education programs are twofold and encompass every level of encaustic/wax art instruction from beginning workshops to advanced. We also offer private instruction with Douglas Mehrens, click here for information. 

Workshops are offered in the new workshop facility on the Encaustic Art Institute/Museum of Encaustic Art campus in Cerrillos, New Mexico. Click here to view what is currently available. New workshops are added to the workshop drop-down menu as they become available.

ADULT Workshops

Open to all levels of experience. Fees vary depending on the length of the workshop and the instructor.  Go to click the workshops tab from the menu to view the current workshops offered. Classes vary from month to month but topics usually include a beginning introduction to working in encaustic/wax, photo-encaustic, encaustic monotype, cold wax, and others. Specific details such as class size, suggested experience levels may vary, see descriptions for each workshop.

Michael's workshop.jpg