Mission Statement
The goal of the Museum of Encaustic Art is to grow the largest, most extensive, and best represented encaustic art collection in America. This includes several categories of encaustic art, such as encaustic painting, encaustic with paper and photography, encaustic with mixed media, encaustic sculpture, encaustic monotypes, and cold wax. We intend to bring attention of this medium to the public at large through enticing exhibits, tours/hands-on demonstrations and collaboratively working with other community organizations.
History of MoEA
The Encaustic Art Institute (EAI) was proud and excited about opening the first Encaustic Art Museum in America -- the Museum of Encaustic Art, MoEA, in Santa Fe New Mexico.
EAI was founded in 2005 by Douglas Mehrens. While having a long-term plan in mind, Mehrens and his wife, Adrienne, agreed to his Mehrens’ existing studio space in Cerrillos New Mexico as the starting place for the Institute. Knowing that once the right space in Santa Fe was found, and the budget would allow, we would move to a permanent art space that could handle the institute, its members, and a museum.
The right space for a new location was found in The Railyard Art District in downtown Santa Fe where we held our 10th anniversary and grand opening. At that point, we also immediately started working on developing the plans for the museum. In terms of inventory for the museum, we have spent the last eight years acquiring art that is exemplary for being presented in a museum for the world to see. One by one, juried show after juried show, we have now over 300 museum-quality art that will strengthen the already fastest-growing art medium and movement in America – Encaustic Art.
Due to mandated closures of the museum and institute for nearly a year related to the COVID virus, the non-profit was unable to maintain its rent in Santa Fe and stay financially viable. The Museum has now moved to its original home mentioned above. Museum is open to the public Fri/Sat/Sun 11 - 4 from April - Dec 1. Open in March by appointment only. Closed Holidays. Closed Dec 2 - 31/January/February.