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18 County Road 55A
United States


Museum of Encaustic Art




The Museum, with over 450 works of art is now located in its original location – on the property of the founder, Douglas Mehrens. There are currently 124 pieces of encaustic/wax artwork showing in this location.

2025 Museum hours:
Open: Friday, Saturday, Sunday
April through December 1st
Hours:  11 am to 4 pm

Open in March by appointment only

Closed Holidays Closed Dec 2 - Dec 31/January/February

Admission fee: $10

kids under 18 - free

Members of the Encaustic Art Institute - free

Members of the Museum - free

For a map and location, click here.

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From ancient beeswax to the modern crayon

Encaustic is arguably the fastest-growing art medium in the world. The Museum of Encaustic Art has the largest, most extensive, and best represented encaustic art collection in America.

ENCAUSTIC PAINTING Encaustic with Paint are painted with pigmented wax on a substrate, such as a wood panel, and are fused or burned in through the use of a heat source, such as a heat gun or propane torch. CLICK FOR MORE...

ENCAUSTIC PAINTING Encaustic with Paint are painted with pigmented wax on a substrate, such as a wood panel, and are fused or burned in through the use of a heat source, such as a heat gun or propane torch. CLICK FOR MORE...

ENCAUSTIC MIXED MEDIA Mixed media is a term to describe works of art composed of a variety of different materials. Unlike oil paintings and other mediums in which an object has to be glued or in some way fastened, encaustic/wax lends itself to mixed media quite easily and beautifully. CLICK FOR MORE...

ENCAUSTIC MIXED MEDIA Mixed media is a term to describe works of art composed of a variety of different materials. Unlike oil paintings and other mediums in which an object has to be glued or in some way fastened, encaustic/wax lends itself to mixed media quite easily and beautifully. CLICK FOR MORE...

ENCAUSTIC PAPER &amp; PHOTOGRAPHY Artists who work with paper in diverse ways or are primarily photographers create artworks in the category of Encaustic Paper &amp; Photography. CLICK FOR MORE...

ENCAUSTIC PAPER & PHOTOGRAPHY Artists who work with paper in diverse ways or are primarily photographers create artworks in the category of Encaustic Paper & Photography. CLICK FOR MORE...

ENCAUSTIC SCULPTURE Wax can be modeled, carved, or cast and can be used for a variety of art objects. The wax sculptures of today are often created by encaustic/wax artists who apply wax to their sculptured pieces such as wood. CLICK FOR MORE…

ENCAUSTIC SCULPTURE Wax can be modeled, carved, or cast and can be used for a variety of art objects. The wax sculptures of today are often created by encaustic/wax artists who apply wax to their sculptured pieces such as wood. CLICK FOR MORE…


The Museum of Encaustic Art, physically open in New Mexico, has also been busy expanding into a very exciting virtual tour of our 450+ works of art. The virtual tour is housed in a virtual museum model - designed by Douglas Mehrens, founder of the Museum of Encaustic Art and the Encaustic Art Institute.

Exciting detailed information and videos of exterior/interior of the future Virtual Museum -


donate to support the VIRTUAL MUSEUM


Click here to view the collection, also to be housed in the future Virtual Museum.